Kids In Crisis is a feature documentary film focused on child rescue and protection services in the Global South and the process of rehabilitation and reconciliation. We take a look at the necessary medical and therapeutic efforts being made for children who have faced extreme violence. The film advocates for a widespread implementation of art therapy interventions for populations emerging from conflict.

Give Kids Your Instruments

Give Kids Your Instruments gets music and art to kids who need it most. As an organization, our goal is to foster creative learning environments for young people in underserved communities to explore and harness the healing power of music and art. We are presently transforming from GKYI into Tactical Ethics, a wide reaching initiative to lobby for arts and culture interventions within humanitarian aid funding sectors.

Because music and the arts help to heal and recover from trauma, GKYI/Tactical Ethics deeply believes that kids growing up in crisis areas deserve more attention and support from the international community.

A. We secure creative resources, such as musical instruments and art supplies, for kids growing up in lower-income communities and areas emerging from conflict.

B. We facilitate in structuring and/or conducting culturally-modified trauma-focused art therapy and/or educational sessions: from drawing and painting, theater and dance, to songwriting and ensemble workshops, recording sessions and live performances.

C. We advocate for music and arts therapy and education for all young people, especially children who a have survived traumatic experiences, such as: abuse, war, poverty, loss of loved ones, illness, etc.

1. Music & The Arts:

Music and the arts help us deal with the dissonance in our lives. The simple act of blowing through a saxophone creates a safe space to reflect upon and express oneself, and this in turn strengthens our sense of self-reliance and feeling of belonging.

Music and arts therapy programs allow kids to create a community of support for each other and this inspires and motivates them in the present while impacting the cultural life of society in the long run.

2. Collaborative Partnerships 

Give Kids Your Instruments/Tactical Ethics partners with NGOs, schools, community boards, and child protection services to help project manage music and arts programs for young people.

By partnering with preexisting established and local community organizations, we can provide unique creative experiences for children who might not normally have the chance to explore music and art making.

3. Accountable Research & Reciprocity 

Research the importance of art in cultural development and the effect arts therapy and education has on children growing up in conflict areas.

Establish measurable programs for music, arts, and play therapy for children most in need.

Foster sustainable and creative community initiatives in areas emerging from conflict.

Develop accountability with local communities and transparency with the international community.

We are artists and musicians dedicated to serving underserved young people. This includes advocating for their human rights. Please visit the official Give Kids Your Instruments website to view more details about the music and art therapy programs we facilitate with local communities.

East Africa (2022)

On the ground research in collaboration with child protective services combating child sacrifice, refugee settlements/displaced kids, and orphanages.

Upcoming: The Indian Subcontinent (2025)

On the ground research in collaboration with child rescue and protective services combating child sex trafficking and slave labor in and around India.